Saturday, May 7, 2011

How lucky am I!

How lucky am I! I can sit in my living room in eastern Australia and talk to friends in Canada and New Zealand, friends I have never met and probably never will meet, but will certainly not forget.

My garden, largely untended, has some pumpkins coming along, and I've just doscovered that as well as edible fruit, my prolific rosella plants have edible leaves. They're great fresh - I'm about to experiment with steaming them.

It's getting colder - so while I complain and have to rug up, I am no longer feeble, breathless and swollen with the heat, and don't have to mop up great pools of sweat on a regular basis.

There is a roof over my head and people in my world who give a damn. And next Friday, 13th May, ABC-1 will be showing my Tarot collection on the show "The Collectors".

Life just doesn't get any better than this.

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