Monday, January 10, 2011

Dealing with the Demons

We all have our demons. Quite apart from the broiling, roiling storms of our subconscious, we are plagued by the broiling, roiling storms created by attachments to unhealthy, so-called friends and   non-physical entities, and our subconscious battles to free ourselves from our past.

Compulsive behaviours (of which any kind of addiction is really the most visible sign) are one of the more common outer signs of this struggle. To a greater or lesser extent we all struggle in this way at some stage in our lives, for greater or lesser periods of time.

The fundamental human addiction we all have in common is the addiction to being comforted. All other addictions, from alcoholism to cigarettes, narcotics to sex, painkillers to routines, all everything in between, are all just chasing the addiction to being comforted: we all subconsciously long for completion and comfort, and believe that our current addiction of choice will offer it in at least the short-term.

Many unfriendly entities also offer us comfort. Some of us are comforted by the illusion of personal power, especially if we have a history of personal powerlessness in the past, in our relationships, childhoods or work. Some entities offer us a sensation of power, which we don’t realise is not being worked by us but by them through us, with a temporary euphoria being our own payoff that keeps us going back for more, feeding the entity’s needs for a link into this world.

Some of us are comforted by the illusion of ease, of floating through life without too much effort, and quite a lot of moderately unfriendly entities present us with that option as our payoff, letting us take the lazy way out in our lives and get away with it, with a greater or lesser sense of dissatisfaction being masked by a pleasure at how little effort we actually have to use to get away with living.

Some entities even use the mental image of white feathers, white robes and even Biblical names to convince humans to “feed” them who would normally keep well away from parasitic entities in the name of advancing their spirituality, for spirituality itself can offer comfort to us.

We are all personally responsible for everything we do, and every choice we make, even if it is to further our own addictions and compulsions. That being said, is there is something or someone else working against us, it is much easier to backslide back in to old comfort-zones, old rewards – and old addictions. All of these things must be dealt with.

In 1987, I achieved my Diploma in Applied Hypnotherapy. As well as hypnotic techniques such as replacement behaviours and changed perceptions, we also looked at psychology and psychological therapies such as neuro-linguistic programming and Gestalt therapy. There were others – but despite the fact that they are less popular now, I find these two techniques in particular work very, very well not only in de-programming a person’s “bad habits” and the anxieties and need for comfort that may lie behind them, but also for actually addressing any part of addictive behaviour that is down to parasitic non-physical entities.

Dealing with them, I might do something akin to a Gestalt therapy technique of getting the subject to visualise their problem as an independent entity sitting in front of them, but while this is happening in conventional psychological models, I will drop myself into a trance an old teacher of mine used to call “shamanising”, find the energy-strings I need to find to pull the actual independent entity behind the subject’s behaviour (if there is in fact an independent spirit there), and bring it into the dialogue, finding out if there is room for compromise or bargaining (a lot of these very negative entities will be surprisingly honourable if you can find a middle road where their own needs are met), or indeed battling it and evicting it completely from the person if it is not disposed to bargaining – something known by various churches as “exorcising”, but when it is done by shamanising it involves  few of the techniques of physical and emotional violence that many Christian-based and other cults use to effect their ends.

The whole idea is to help somebody heal and be strong enough to take responsibility for their own self, not to harm them further and make them even weaker and more likely to be spiritually parasitised!

I have a programme set up specifically for dealing with smoking addiction, given that with the new taxes the addiction is becoming even  more harmful to families as their income is diverted towards maintaining the supply of a poison to the victim of the addiction. You can spend $20 on cigarettes these days, depending on the brand you prefer, and if you’re like I used to be at the height of my addiction when I was smoking over fifty a day, that represents something like $120 a week taken out of the budget to maintain an addiction that was slowly killing me.

I gave up smoking in 2005, saving myself tens of thousands of dollars over the time since then, enabling me to have more fun than I would otherwise have had if I were still addicted. For $350 and about two hours of fairly intensive time on your part (I really recommend not returning to work or to any demanding personal tasks for 24 hours afterwards), I can help you do the necessary work you need to do, to become an ex-addict who will never need to budget for their addiction again. It won't be easy and it certainly won't be pleasant, but it will work if you take it on board and do your bit.

Contact me for an appointment, further details or to ask any questions.

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