Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My collection

A little bit of local press coverage can be found here. And some pics can be found here as well. Have fun, people.

It's funny how things change: you talk to a journalist, the years you've been reading get changed (I would have said around thirty) and there's just a slight twist in tone. Still, c'est la vie, c'est la guerre, c'est la pommes de terre.


  1. Nice pics Nisaba :)
    Couldn't see the article : link takes me to an article on an old steam car - did a search but that linked back to the same page as your link :(

  2. Hmmm. What a shame. Seems they're recycling URLs. Bad form, that. So what does C.S.E., NVQ signify?

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  5. They are my qualifications - if all these MFA poets can put letters after their name I figure so can I :)
